Exotic – Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com https://silvercloudtravelsng.com Fri, 04 Sep 2020 15:39:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.5 https://silvercloudtravelsng.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/cropped-Silvercloud-footer-logo-32x32.png Exotic – Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com https://silvercloudtravelsng.com 32 32 How To Pack A Suitcase In 30 Minutes Or Less https://silvercloudtravelsng.com/how-to-pack-a-suitcase-in-30-minutes-or-less/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-pack-a-suitcase-in-30-minutes-or-less https://silvercloudtravelsng.com/how-to-pack-a-suitcase-in-30-minutes-or-less/#respond Wed, 12 Aug 2020 13:42:22 +0000 https://silvercloudtravels.org/?p=7612
Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com

Hello friend. Traveling soon and wondering what exactly to pack? Don’t worry. We got you covered. These tips will have you ready and packed in as little time as possible, no matter where you’re going or why you’re going there. […]

This blog post is originally from How To Pack A Suitcase In 30 Minutes Or Less and written by silvercloudtravels


Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com

Hello friend. Traveling soon and wondering what exactly to pack? Don’t worry. We got you covered. These tips will have you ready and packed in as little time as possible, no matter where you’re going or why you’re going there. So let’s dive right into it!

1. Let your suitcase reflect on how long you will stay.

Many people make the mistake of packing everything when they’re traveling. That’s a waste of time and effort since you will likely return with more luggage. So pick only your essentials, and leave space for extra luggage. Easy peasy.

2. Get your essentials in place

If you want to pack ASAP, you should have a few convenience items ready to pick and go at all times, such as a plastic toiletries bag, hair, face and body care products, jewelry and accessories, etc. Have them clearly stored in separate containers to avoid mixing them up. If you can’t have these prepacked, list them somewhere (maybe on your phone) to serve as a reminder to you against when you actually want to pack.

3. Coordinate your wardrobe

The easiest way to do this is to plan an outfit for each day you’re spending and stick strictly with that.
You can limit the amount of stuff you’re taking by mixing matching outfits e.g. plan one pair of pants for different tops. You don’t need more than two pairs of shoes. One comfy pair, e.g. for walks and visits to beaches, and another for professional outings if you’re going on a business trip. Pack clothes with neutral or dull colors. They tend to attract dirt less quickly.

4. Take stock of everything you need before you start packing

Put everything you’re taking with you in a place where you can see at a glance, maybe on a table or on the clean floor, before you start tucking them into your suitcase. That way, you can see if you’re missing anything.

Put the stuff you can’t fold first. Then put the stuff that is fragile in the middle. Then fold the foldable and put them in according to their sizes, starting from the smallest.

Let stuff such as your pajamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, and underwear be placed towards the top end of the suitcase so that you can easily reach them on arrival. Make sure you don’t forget anything, especially chargers and device accessories.

5. Finish with a large top layer

Let the last item you pack be something which when folded is big enough to cover the surface of the suitcase, such as a towel. Then tuck the material in at the sides, to help you keep your suitcase prim and with everything in place no matter how jostled the suitcase is during the journey. Tucking in the sides also makes zipping your suitcase a lot easier.

That’s it, you’re ready to go!

Do you have other smartass tips you know that we didn’t cover? Let’s talk about them in the comments down below!

This blog post is originally from How To Pack A Suitcase In 30 Minutes Or Less and written by silvercloudtravels

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How to have that dream vacation without breaking the Bank https://silvercloudtravelsng.com/how-to-have-that-dream-vacation-without-breaking-the-bank/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-have-that-dream-vacation-without-breaking-the-bank https://silvercloudtravelsng.com/how-to-have-that-dream-vacation-without-breaking-the-bank/#respond Wed, 05 Aug 2020 09:36:37 +0000 https://silvercloudtravels.org/?p=7619
Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com

We have already gone far in 2020! I know many of you have been caught up in the bug of the rush of the year, settling into work and all. But if you just pause a minute, you will remember […]

This blog post is originally from How to have that dream vacation without breaking the Bank and written by silvercloudtravels


Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com

We have already gone far in 2020! I know many of you have been caught up in the bug of the rush of the year, settling into work and all. But if you just pause a minute, you will remember that, somewhere in your memory, you had heard that traveling to other places and cultures helps to refresh your mind and broaden your horizon, and it does your health a world of wonders. You had therefore thought about having a vacation. Maybe for years. You had been promising yourself that trip to relax and have fun since God knows when. But somehow, you never come around to it, always having some sort of excuse to postpone it. Face it, you think it is very expensive to travel, especially in this country. I understand the times are hard, and the economy is stuttering. But I’ve come to tell you that, in spite of the situation you can still have your dream vacation. How? You ask.

It is actually very easy. First, you need to Create a vacation savings account. This is a very important first step you need to take, because it automatically inspires dedication and commitment, and it also implies that you are serious. Also, it helps realign your attitude towards every income, as you know you have to put something in that account every time you earn. This also forces you to change some lifestyle habits, cut down on frivolities, and fund that account with such monies instead. By the time you have maintained such a habit for the entire year, leading up until the time of your vacation, you will find that the account is funded with substantial cash, and you can then proceed to enjoy your dream vacation. It is important to note that you do not need to plan a vacation that is above your budget. No matter what you earn, there is always a new place you can go to and still have massive fun.

Which brings me to the next point, which is that you have to plan your trip and know exactly where you are going. The importance of this is that it helps you to get excited, and keeps you within the reality of the demands of your trip to that destination. A planned trip is always better than a ‘spur of the moment’ trip, especially in terms of cost. Planning your trip and deciding ahead where you are going will make you find out all you need to, about your destination. You may need a competent trip advisor such as Silvercloud Travels in this regard, but it helps to already know where you want to go. The less surprises, the better for your purse.

Also very important, Plan to spend less on food. Food, tickets and hotels are among the things which always shoot up the expenses incurred on a trip. You do not need to visit every fancy restaurant. You do not need to try out every attractive cuisine. You can plan to make do with the usual food items and the common ones you know. It is also safe, in the sense that not all foods are agreeable to your stomach.

This last one is one of the most valuable secrets of those who seem to be able to travel always, so you should pay attention. It is that If you can, target the off-season for travel. This is because, at those times of the year, those off seasons when tourists are not pouring into choice destinations of the world in their thousands, the charges for most services are low. Therefore you automatically spend less without having any less fun. You visit the same sites and places, have the same tours while spending far less. The goal is to have fun and create memories. It is not compulsory to do it when every other person is doing it. Very smart isn’t it?

Make sure you have that vacation this year. Have a fabulous and memorable year!

This blog post is originally from How to have that dream vacation without breaking the Bank and written by silvercloudtravels

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Travel Tips To Make The Best Of Your Vacation https://silvercloudtravelsng.com/best-of-your-vacation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=best-of-your-vacation https://silvercloudtravelsng.com/best-of-your-vacation/#respond Sun, 02 Aug 2020 09:23:59 +0000 https://silvercloudtravels.org/?p=7621
Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com

Vacations are meant to be enjoyed; savored like the taste of warm bread melting against your tongue and releasing that doughy deliciousness into your soul.  While no two places are ever the same, there are some basic travel tips that […]

This blog post is originally from Travel Tips To Make The Best Of Your Vacation and written by silvercloudtravels


Silvercloud Travels, Lagos Nigeria | Your One Stop Platform For All Your Travel Needs From Flights, Tours, Hotel, Conference, Study Abroad. Let Silvercloud Travels Pamper You. silvercloudtravelsng.com

Vacations are meant to be enjoyed; savored like the taste of warm bread melting against your tongue and releasing that doughy deliciousness into your soul.  While no two places are ever the same, there are some basic travel tips that hold true so you can enjoy your vacation at any location you decide to go to in the world. These travel tips would go a long way in helping you make the best of your vacation.

Be Prepared: To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to be fully prepared for your trip. That includes finding out about where you are going using travel blogs, packing the right gear, writing out lists of things you plan to do, and so on. While it’s a good idea to have plans you’ll do well to make them be as flexible as possible so you can truly enjoy the experience.  Don’t plan too many things into your vacation and then expect to follow every single thing through.

Live like the locals: No one knows the terrains of your vacation site better than the locals. The best of travel blogs and tour guides would still not know better than the locals. Every so often, live like the locals. Do as they do. Eat as they eat. Sleep as they sleep. You’d be surprised at the kind of things you could learn by moving closer to the locals. Learn about their cultures from cooking to where they take walks and how they spend their free time.

Try Something New: Be spontaneous. There is no way you would truly enjoy your vacation if you do not free up a little. Traveling is about experiencing new things and opening your eyes to new possibilities; including the lifestyle of where you are visiting. Step out of your comfort zone. Learn their language, even if it’s just ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’ and ‘thank you’. Partake in their festivals if you’re lucky enough to encounter them. Whether it’s dressing like the locals, trying out a local activity, learning to paint, ski jumping, or surfboarding, just make sure to try something new.

Get Lost: I mean that in the actual sense. Really wander and get lost. Sometimes, the joy of traveling comes from stumbling on places you never planned to see and how best would you do that than to just get lost? Ditch your map and review blogs for a while. Venture off the well-known tourist or popular areas and follow non-tourist trails. Just be sure to write down your hotel name and its location to make it easy to find your way back.

Take Pictures: Take a lot of pictures during your trip. They don’t have to be perfectly shot with the best and most expensive cameras; just clear enough to help capture the memories. The best souvenirs you can get from your trip are the photos you take. You might only visit this place once in your entire existence. Take pictures of yourself, the sights, the people you meet…everything.

Enjoy every single moment: All of these travel tips are to one end only- to help you enjoy your vacation. The best vacations are usually unplanned. Don’t fuss over perfection. Live in the moment and enjoy every single one of it.

This blog post is originally from Travel Tips To Make The Best Of Your Vacation and written by silvercloudtravels

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