Guide on How to Convert CGPA to Percentage in 2022


Guide on How to Convert CGPA to Percentage in 2022

Cumulative Grade Points Average is the full form of CGPA. It is the sum of a student’s grade points from all subjects, excluding any extra subjects. Many educational boards, universities, and institutions, including CBSE, post-exam results in CGPA rather than a percentage. As a result, students must convert their CGPA results into a percentage.

Most colleges and universities use a point grade system known as CGPA and SGPA. They convert CGPA to a percentage when generating grade sheets after evaluation. This is the first and most important factor that every admission committee will look for in the eligibility criteria for applying to colleges. Furthermore, they can convert CGPA to a percentage using a simple formula or calculator. Now, let’s look at how to convert CGPA to Percentage and the calculators used among the top Universities.

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What is CGPA?

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is a tool used to assess your academic performance. CGPA is calculated in the Bachelor of Engineering programs to determine a student’s current standing overall (this includes all courses counting towards the degree) and, if applicable, in a minor. It aids in standardizing measurements of varying levels of achievement in a course. A grade can be assigned using letters, a range, a percentage, or a number out of a possible total.

The Difference Between CGPA and GPA


While both GPA and CGPA measure an individual’s performance in a course, there is a distinction between them. The primary distinction between GPA and CGPA is that GPA assesses performance in a single unit or semester, whereas CGPA assesses performance across the entire course, including all units and semesters.

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How to convert CGPA to Percentage


The CGPA is calculated by dividing the grade points earned by the total credit value of courses taken. Evaluators will average the marks you receive and assign points accordingly.

Here is your percentage for the following relevant CGPA ranges:

CGPA       Percentage
10              95%
9.9             94.05%
9.8             93.1%
9.7             92.25%
9.6             91.2%
9.5             90.25%
9.4             89.3%
9.3             88.35%
9.2             87.4%
9.1             86.45%

CGPA      Percentage
7                66.5%
6.9             65.55%
6.8             64.6%
6.7             63.65%
6.6             62.7%
6.5             61.75%
6.4             60.8%
6.3             59.85%
6.2             58.9%
6.1             57.95%

CGPA    Percentage
6             57%
5.9          56.05%
5.8          55.1%
5.7          54.15%
5.6          53.2%
5.5          52.2%
5.4          51.3%
5.3          50.35%
5.2          49.4%
5.1          48.45%

CGPA     Percentage
5               47.5%
4.9            46.55%
4.8            45.6%
4.7            44.65%
4.6            43.7%
4.5            42.75%
4.4            41.8%
4.3            40.85%
4.2            39.9%
4.1            38.95%

To convert CGPA to a percentage, multiply it by 9.5 to get the overall indicative percentage.

To better understand percentage calculation, consider the following example of converting CGPA to percentage:

Assume you have a student named Uriel. She received the following grades in various subjects:

Subjects           Grade Points
Subject 1               8
Subject 2               7
Subject 3              10
Subject 4               8
Subject 5               9

Converting CGPA to Percentage

1. Uriel’s total Grade Points (GP) will be: 8+7+10+8+9 = 42
2. When the total is divided by 5, the result is: 42/5 = 8.4
3. As a result, Uriel’s CGPA is 8.4
4. To calculate the approximate percentage, multiply the CGPA by 9.5, resulting in 8.49.5 = 79.8%
5. As a result, Uriel’s approximate percentage is 79.80 percent


Here is a list of score ranges when converting CGPA to percentage;
The minimum qualifying grade for passing the board exam, according to the grading system, is a D. Students who received E1 or E2 grades will be required to retake the exam within a month of the results being announced. Refer to the table below to check the grades and grade points in relation to the marks earned:

Marks                             Grade                        CGPA
91-100                            A1                             10.0
81-90                              A2                              9.0
71-80                              B1                              8.0
61-70                              B2                              7.0
51-60                              C1                              6.0
41-50                              C2                              5.0
33-40                              D                                4.0
21-32                              E1                                –
00-20                              E2                                –

Conversion Table for CGPA to Percentage

Students can easily determine their percentage by looking at the table below:

CGPA        Equivalent Percentage (%)                      CGPA                     Equivalent Percentage (%)
10                      95                                                         7                              66.5
9.9                     94.05                                                  6.9                             65.55
9.8                     93.1                                                    6.8                             64.6
9.7                     92.15                                                  6.7                             63.65
9.6                     91.2                                                    6.6                             62.7
9.5                     90.25                                                  6.5                             61.75
9.4                     89.3                                                    6.4                             60.8
9.3                     88.35                                                  6.3                             59.85
9.2                     87.4                                                    6.2                             58.9
9.1                     86.45                                                  6.1                             57.95
9                        85.5                                                    6                                57
8.9                     84.55                                                  5.9                             56.05
8.8                     83.6                                                    5.8                             55.1
8.7                     82.65                                                  5.7                             54.15

How to Calculate Percentage from CGPA

The formula for calculating is as follows:

(Percentage/9.5) = CGPA


1. First, calculate the percentage.
2. Next, multiply the percentage by 9.5.
3. The final product equals the CGPA.

Assume Uriel received a grade point average of 67.5 on his board exams. If we want to calculate her CGPA, we must first perform the following calculations.

Uriel’s CGPA = 67.5/9.5 = 67.5/5 = 7.105263157 = 7.1 CGPA

Thus, Uriel’s CGPA is 7.5 for the percentage (67.5) obtained in board exams.

Conversion of CGPA to Percentage on a 10-Point Scale

It is simple to convert CGPA to a percentage on a 10-point scale. We only need to do a few quick calculations. If the highest mark on a 100-point paper is 90, then 90 points equal 100%. If a student earns 80 points, his or her CGPA is 100/90*80 = 88.89. It receives an 8.9 on a scale of one to ten.

Assume a student named Uriel has a grade point average of 78. The steps to convert on a 10-point scale are as follows:

Uriel’s Marks: 78 = 100/90 X 78 = 1.111 X 78 = 86.66

As a result, Uriel’s CGPA for the percentage (67.5) was obtained in board exams.

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How do you convert a CGPA into a percentage?
To convert CGPA to a percentage, simply multiply your CGPA by 9.5.

How do I calculate the percentage based on my CGPA?
To convert CGPA to a percentage, simply multiply your CGPA by 9.5.

How do you convert CGPA to a percentage of 4?
Consider 100 percent to be 100 points, and because the United States uses a 4-point scale, 25 points in percentage are equivalent to 1 point in the GPA system. Now, multiply your percentage by 4 and divide it by 100.

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