9 Best Business Schools in the World(MBA)
Finding the right MBA program for you is the first step toward a successful business career. You can narrow your search for the best business schools in the United States by location, tuition, school size, and test scores using the U.S. News rankings.
When deciding where to pursue your MBA, the school you choose is critical. Your future prospects and life are entirely dependent on the college you attend. A degree from one of the world’s best business schools provides you with the platform and education you need to launch a successful career. Whether you want to work for a multinational corporation or start your own business, your business school will shape your future. Here is a list of the best business schools in the world that will ensure a brighter and bigger future to help you make the right decision.
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Best Business Schools in the World(MBA
Here is the list of the best business schools to pursue your MBA anywhere in the world
1.  University of Pennsylvania
The average salary of a Penn graduate is the US $125,000, making it one of the highest ever. Penn, founded by Benjamin Franklin, remains one of the world’s best business schools to this day.
2.  London Business School
London Business School is one of the best business schools in the world for Masters’s programs, as well as the best in Europe. It provides students with the opportunity to interact with world-renowned organizations, businesses, and leaders.
3.  Stanford University
Located in the heart of Northern California in the United States, Stanford University is ranked first among the world’s top ten universities. After earning your MBA from this university’s graduate school of business, you will work for one of the world’s most prestigious corporations.
4.  Harvard University
Harvard University’s alumni are unrivaled, ranging from US Presidents to billionaires, Nobel Prize winners to Academy Award winners. The school is known for producing leaders. The graduates from here are the cream of the crop, having graduated from one of the world’s best business schools.
5.  University of Chicago

6.  IE Business School
INSEAD offers MBA programs that are well-known for their emphasis on employability, entrepreneurship, and leadership. The university is one of the best business schools in the world, with branches in France, Singapore, and Dubai.
8.  HEC Paris
Another top MBA school in Europe, HEC Paris is proud of its entrepreneurial environment, innovative methods, one-of-a-kind approach to education, and status as an alma mater of leaders.
9.  Columbia University
Columbia University is well-known for its constantly evolving and cutting-edge curriculum. From faculty to alumni, the people here are internationally renowned for their work in their field, and they help to make it one of the top-ranking business schools in the United States.
ALSO READ: 6 Guidelines for Writing your MBA Statement of Purpose
 Universities                 Annual Tuition Fee
University of Pennsylvania         $56,212
London Business School           £39 200
Stanford University               $55,473
Harvard university                $49,653
University of Chicago             $57,642
IE Business School               €72,200
INSEAD                        $106,132 (€89,000)
HEC Paris                      € 24,850
Columbia University              $30,257/term
ALSO READ: MBA or MSc: Spot the 4 Big Difference
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